Remedial Massage

Meet our fully qualified Massage Therapist – Suzie Makatham 

Remedial massage is used to help treat soft tissue muscle and help restore normal function.   Our skilled therapists are trained to decrease muscle tension, improve blood flow, and promote healing through remedial massage techniques. We also provide personalized stretches and advice to manage your condition effectively.

If your pain is not sharp and you’re experiencing general muscle soreness and tightness after exercise or work-related stress and tension, remedial massage will be beneficial. It’s also a great option before a sporting event or as regular maintenance to relieve tension, boost circulation, improve recovery and maintain general mobility.

It is important to, if you are in acute pain of have had an injury it is best to start with a physiotherapy assessment. We will correctly diagnose the injury and set up a thorough treatment and rehabilitation plan. This may include a mix of both physiotherapy and remedial massage, as well as clinical exercise.

Susie is currently available Tuesday Evenings & Saturdays in our Warriewood Clinic

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